The ESPN/ABC producer who made a monkey out of ML zooms in before ML, Shawn and Marc quiz Free Press sports columnist Carlos Monarrez and Joe draws a circle around them.

STRAIGHT DOPE: ML recounts his trip to Seattle to watch a football game and how he almost became a meme when network cameras caught him looking like a heartbroken puffer fish.

ESPN/ABC game producer Kim Belton zooms in to discuss how networks pick faces out of the crowd to feature on TV – and how his crew settled on ML.

Kim answers the frequently asked question about whether there was some kind of TV guy conspiracy between ML and ESPN/ABC to get his mug on national TV.

Marc asks Kim how he reacted to commentator RG3’s description of a play by Washington’s QB as “Big Penix Energy.” A discussion of other awkward TV moments follows.

As the conversation shifts to Carlos, Shawn leads a discussion designed to divine the “true Carlos.”

Carlos – eventually – answers the question of whether he is intentionally negative as part of a calculated campaign to pick up the mantle of the late Drew Sharp.

Marc coins a new term: “Shawnsplaining.”

Shawn unloads on the monarchy…even though his name is “Windsor.”

GEEK OF THE WEEK: Prince Charles FINALLY inherits the throne, then announces layoffs, causing us to crown him GOW.

ROOM 7609: The Sex Pistols trash the New Wave suite as we again mark the passing of Her Highness with an ironic selection, this time “God Save the Queen.”

FEEDBACK: We ran long, so feedback will return next week!

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