Hear how ML’s stories about Eminem and Kid Rock almost got him fired from the Free Press as Shawn, Marc and ML discuss their brushes with career death.

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ML shouldn’t be here, but after the Indian government TWICE denied him a visa to attend the wedding of a guy he met while riding motorcycles in Costa Rica, he has no place else to go! Listen and learn why he got denied.

Since he’s stuck stateside, ML plans to attend the mayoral campaign kick-off for Detroit City Council President Mary Sheffield. Marc starts to ask about Mike Duggan’s surprise announcement that he will run for governor as an independent, when Shawn hijacks the conversation to ask about “whores.”

Eminem’s mother Debbie Mathers’ passing last week had ML reminiscing about his many interactions with the rapper’s mother and uncle over the years. He shares stories about Debbie’s chronic pain, addiction and litigious nature – much of which inspired her son’s music.

Shawn says ML’s Eminem stories helped launch his career at the Free Press, but ML recalls how his Eminem story almost ended his career at the Free Press. His brush with career death followed another near miss over his stories about Kid Rock for Rolling Stone’s website. To read the story that nearly cost ML his job, click here.

Shawn shares stories about when he got in trouble at the Free Press. Now that he’s redeemed himself, check out one of his latest columns here.

Marc almost got canned, too, for forgetting to do something that landed him in Doug Podell’s office where he was told he could be replaced any time with the warning: “I’ve got a stack of resumes right here!”

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GEEK OF THE WEEK: Nitwits who endangered bear cubs because they thought they would look cute in a photo are this week’s geeks.

ROOM 7609: As predicted earlier in the show, Shawn forgot that he had a selection for the New Wave suite – but ML shows how he never forgets anything when he asks Marc to cue up “Lies” by the Thompson Twins. You can also send us your favorite deep cut or obscure band – and a story about them or why they mean something to you – by writing to mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com.

FEEDBACK: JD and Will weigh in before Hannah sparks a spirited discussion about the fate of the Renaissance Center. We welcome all your comments – and constructive criticism – at mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com

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