ML is wrapping up his Scottish sabbatical while Shawn & Marc remain submerged in the basement. Traveling seems more dangerous these days, but YOLO. The only thing that really matters is the Detroit Lions.

STRAIGHT DOPE: The only films that get made today are superhero movies. Whatever happened to the golden days of Mirimax? Oh yeah… that Weinstein guy.

Shawn’s latest column is predicting the Detroit Lions record game-by-game. Some people are saying it’s lazy, but smarter people are saying it’s a savvy business move and landing him on the front page.

ML zoms in to give a report on the Shetland Islands, scones and a local cricket game from a pub in Scotland as the Elrick european tour continues. 

Some big money billionarie is currently missing in a tiny commercial submarine that was touring the wreckage site of the Titanic. Rescue efforts are not going great. Peopel are even wondering why we are using public resorces to even find the missing craft.
Regardless what some on Twitter think, it is possible to care about two differnet news stories at the same time. 

Marc is obsessed with vacation death stories like the recent incident of a Michigan man killing two women at Cinderella’s castle in Germany and the guy who fell 4,000 feet off of the glass bottom bridge at the Grand Canyon.

GEEK OF THE WEEK: Nicolas Malvagna shut the Bebe Rexha concert in NYC down after he decided it would be funny to give the singer a facial contusion by chucking his phone at her for a selfie.

ROOM 7609: Shawn is won over by Belinda Carter’s least favorite Go-Go’s tune that has a local connection.

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