Mike Duggan and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer take some friendly fire when a couple of jackasses join ML and Marc – and by “jackasses,” we mean Democrats.

STRAIGHT DOPE: The jackass is one of the symbols of the Democratic Party ginned up by cartoonist Thomas Nast more than a century ago. Some folks think it’s an especially apt mascot after the Democrats lost Michigan to Donald Trump and lost control of the Michigan House in the 2024 election. Mark Ludwig and Al “BJ” Williams drop by to talk about their plan to save the “People’s Party.”

ML and Marc – with a “c” – ask Mark and Al if the Democrats are “too woke to win.” Listen for their take on how the party can be inclusive without alienating folks who are sick of worrying about which pronoun to use.

Curtis Hertel – a former state senator and congressional candidate – is the third candidate for Michigan Democratic Party chairman. He could not join the show, which is too bad because Mark – with a K – and Al had plenty to say about their opponent.

Al and Mark concede that Hertel, who is Whitmer’s pick for party chair, will be able to raise a lot of money. But they say it will take more than money to fix the party. ML challenges their assertion.

Mark says Democrats have a message problem because they forget it’s about “the economy, stupid.” Al says they spend too much time playing defense, too. Then they team up to beat up Whitmer, who Al says gave up on winning Michigan after President Joe Biden’s debate with Donald Trump.

After wailing on Whitmer, Mark and Al team up to beat up on Mike Duggan, who they call an imposter and a traitor who sent his son to steal their secrets. And that’s only part of their beef with Detroit’s mayor.

Mark and Al are competing for party chair. But not really. Confused? Join the club. ML asks them to explain how they’re rivals, but not rivals. And asks how they’ll decide “who gets to be on top?” ML got flak from Whitmer’s communications team after one of his last columns, a tale he told in one of his next columns. Read all about it here.

Lion fever has gotten so bad that it’s messing with ML’s hockey league. Shawn writes all about it in one of his latest columns Get it here.

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GEEK OF THE WEEK: ML picks a Meta geek of the week.

ROOM 7609: Mark sounds an Alarm with a New Wave selection that also sums up his view of the Democratic Party leadership that he feels has “Sold Me Down the River.” He also has a crazy story about blueberries and a Geo Metro. You can also send us your favorite deep cut or obscure band – and a story about them or why they mean something to you – by writing to mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com.

FEEDBACK: A nuclear sub officer, a media critic, a James Bond fan and Muppet maven send messages. We welcome all your comments – and constructive criticism – at mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com

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