Houston, we have a problem – Marc’s flight was cancelled, Shawn is sick and ML is recovering from Washington’s heart-breaking loss in the college football national championship game to the … Michigan Wolverines.

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We’re doing the show a day late because ML’s sporting and logistical nightmare came true: The Wolverines won.

Still, he’s the only member of the team who isn’t playing hurt. Marc is running on fumes after the airlines failed to treat him like a champion and Shawn is so sick he even passed up crawdads.

The Wolverines discredited that old saying “cheaters never prosper,” but ML and Shawn disagree over whether the controversies that followed the Wolverines all season undermine their championship.

You might be surprised by which side of that argument ML lands on.

Michiganders have been heading to Houston since the 1980s. Marc and Shawn evaluate the city, its nightlife and even the wifi.

Which event do you think will generate more energy: the Wolverines playing for a national championship or the Detroit Lions’ home playoff game? The crew offers their opinions.

Matthew Stafford Detroit Lions jerseys are forbidden at Ford Field and local establishments like Thomas Magee’s Sporting House and Whiskey Bar. There’s a chance Ford Field security won’t turn you away, but ML explains why you shouldn’t even try to get into Magee’s wearing those rags.

For a guy who can barely speak, Shawn couldn’t stop talking. He told a number of tales ranging from his take on local cuisine to ANOTHER one of his drug-dealing associates from his Southern days to his experience eating “beans” on the beach.Unbreakable iPhones, random bits of airplanes, blue ice and William Shatner’s encounter with a gremlin wind up this week’s main event.

ML’s annual Clark Park charity hockey game takes place at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20. Come out and join us, or just send a few bucks to help the kids of Southwest Detroit using this link: https://www.patronicity.com/project/clark_park_2024_charity_classic#!/

GEEK OF THE WEEK- Media big head Paul Finebaum wins this week’s award for trying to bury the hatchet in his beef with Jim Harbaugh, but not before the beef between Aaron Rodgers and Jimmy Kimmel sucks most of the air out of the room.

ROOM 7609- ML’s reluctant musical tributes to the Michigan Wolverines continues when he books Icehouse into the New Wave suite to perform “Electric Blue.” Then Marc drops a bombshell about who co-wrote this dastardly ditty.

FEEDBACK- David gives ML the gears. We welcome all your comments – and constructive criticism – at mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com

DONATE OR SPONSOR US- Support us on Patreon or make a donation at mlsoulofdetroit.com or drop us a line at mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com to find out how cheap and easy it is to advertise on our show! We now accept donations via Venmo (and if Venmo tells you your money is going to DaisyHouseLLC, you’ve got the right link!)

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