Legend Eli Zaret zooms in with some classic baseball stories and hot takes from sunny Florida, while Marc continues to fight a virulent virus and Shawn finally ends his quest for T.P.
STRAIGHT DOPE: Come join us in person on Monday, March 17 for our annual St. Patrick’s Day show at the Cadieux Café, where we’ll be recording live from noon to 2 p.m.
Eli takes us back 50 years to tell a tale of spring training when the Tigers were at their nadir. He says he’ll never forget what a recumbent Gates Brown told him while the rest of the Home 9 hustled to get ready for the season. Listen and learn – and we guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
ML, Marc and Eli reminisce about the phenom who followed that awful 1975 squad during Detroit’s bicentennial: Mark “The Bird” Fydrich. Eli fondly reflects on the simple farm boy from Massachusetts, and how the cheapskate Tigers never gave him his due. Which is why he bought the dump truck that would play a key role in his untimely demise.
Tiger Stadium was a ballpark like no other, with fans close to the field and foul territory so narrow pitchers needed protection as they warmed up. ML is still wondering why they didn’t want any pepper on the field, though. If you can help him, drop us a line at mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com.
Eli trots out a couple old MSU burns when ML asks him to opine on the latest chapter on the ever-roiling rivalry between THE university of Michigan and the University of Michigan. Meanwhile, Marc wonders what all the fuss is about.
ML tells a tale of some children who know how to handle the rivalry. Hear all about it. And heed their example!
Shawn makes the scene and asks Eli if he sees any parallels between former Pistons GM Troy Weaver and current Red Wings GM Steve Yzerman. Eli weighs in on the fate of two franchises who are rebuilding, and why one is doing so much better than the other.
Sideburns, chaw and Bob Sykes. If you are a long-time Tiger fan, you know exactly what ML is talking about when he asks Eli whether he had better muttonchops than a long-forgotten Tiger hurler.
With just 30 seconds left before Eli has to hit the links, ML asks him to share his thoughts on Donald Trump and Eli Musk. Can the consummate TV newsman fit it all in before the break? You’ll have to listen to find out.
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Please support the show by becoming a Soulmate. For as little as $5 a month, you can enjoy benefits like early access to new episodes, the video version of the show, no insertion ads and access to our monthly bonus episode. Sign up here.
GEEK OF THE WEEK: Mel Gibson says he deserves … a lot of things. A lawyer’s refusal to help him get one of them leads to her downfall. And provides us some geeks of the week.
ROOM 7609: International conflict inspires listener Todd to suggest a band that even Shawn likes: Echo and the Bunnymen, performing “The Puppet.” Marc caps it off with an epic drop. Send us your favorite tune or deep cut or track from an obscure band – along with a story about the ditty – by writing to mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com.
LATEST SOULMATE: Will you please be our Soulmate? You may get a chance to ride on a pedal pub with us this summer, and you’ll definitely get to be one of our VIPS when we host Soul Night at the Cadieux Café on Friday, Aug. 1, featuring Shasta Fox and The King’s English!
FEEDBACK: ML picks a fight with another Spartan who feels Spartans are too belligerent, a listener wants to know about Detroit rent rates, we debate when politicians should check their ambition, and ML laments who people who disagree with someone always try to make it political. And he asks two questions: Which word never appears in the novel “The Godfather,” and which word never appears in his latest column? We welcome all your comments – and constructive criticism – at mlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com
DONATE OR SPONSOR US: Support us on Patreon or make a donation at mlsoulofdetroit.com or drop us a line atmlsoulofdetroit@gmail.com to find out how cheap and easy it is to advertise on our show! We now accept donations via Venmo (and if Venmo tells you your money is going to DaisyHouseLLC, you’ve got the right link!)
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