ML reunites with Kwame Kilpatrick, but first Free Press investigator Paul Egan tells Marc and ML about a state rep who may have gotten frisky with a stripper before Shawn tries zooming in multiple times.
ML returned from Greece just in time to spend an evening with Kwame Kilpatrick, who flew in from Atlanta to promote Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. But before he tells all about that memorable encounter, Paul Egan of the Detroit Free Press zooms in to discuss the latest potential sex scandal brew in Lansing.
Paul and Free Press colleague Arpan Lobo have been digging into the curious case of Charlevoix Republican state Rep. Neil Friske, who was arrested by Lansing Police, setting off a flurry of rumors about what he was up to. Details are hard to come by, but rumors are flying about some kind of encounter with a dancer from Déjà Vu, a gun and a media conspiracy to take down one of the most conservative members of the Michigan Legislature.
For those of you unfamiliar with the exotic arts, ML explains what he learned about Déjà Vu from his college roommates.
Paul says Friske has proclaimed his innocence, even though no charges have been filed. Paul obtained a heavily-redacted copy of a police report on the incident. Just about the only words that weren’t blacked out referenced first degree criminal sexual assault. Read his latest here.
ML wasn’t quite invited, but multiple people shared invitations to an event featuring Kwame Kilpatrick in Farmington so he decided to drop in. He’s planning to tell folks all about it in his next “On Guard” column for the Detroit Free Press, but he gives Marc a sneak preview – including how he came to pose for a photo with Hizzoner. Read ML’s latest “On Guard” column here.
While ML was gone, Kilpatrick endorsed Donald Trump for president. He doubled down on the Trumpster as ML and a roomful of conservative white and Black activists listened intently. Hear what Kilpatrick had to say about Trump and why he doesn’t think Joe Biden is fit to lead the free world.
Shawn zooms in late to discuss his column about Tom Gores being late and, somehow, misses the irony. Then he engages in an epic case of whataboutism by citing ML’s timeliness. Read Shawn’s column here.
Shawn and Marc ask ML about his trip to Greece and what he liked best about his two-week sojourn. ML offers a couple tidbits, but says he treasures the best friends he met: Beer and souvlaki.
Shawn thinks ML has a lot of wisdom to share from his travels. ML is not so sure, believing that the more he talks about his trips the more people will think he’s a privileged prick who spends all his time galavanting all over the globe. Tell us what YOU think at
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Drew Lane makes a cameo to discuss a New Wave gem he recently unearthed and shared with ML, who says he’s afraid to play it on the show unless Drew Wave agrees to come on to defend him against Shawn and Marc.

Yacht-riding punks who set off wildfires on a Greek island by playing with fireworks in the middle of a heatwave are this week’s international geeks.

ROOM 7609
Listener David takes a shot at ML when he suggests the Kings of Leon’s cover of Eagles of Death Metal’s “I Love You All the Time.” Send us your favorite deep cut or obscure band – and a story about them or why they mean something to you – by writing to

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